Wishes to my big sister
1) My big sister walks tall
In her fairy like frame, she carries herself with both
Grace and power
Wit and restraint
Her ever changing hair always neatly in place
Even when painting walls or washing gates
Her words are perfectly curated
She speaks as someone who knows the power of words
And her voice echoes them soflty but firmly
And she has eyes that are ocean, forest, and storm
Swirling into the depths of her shimmering gaze
And her feet are grounded, always moving forward, and certain of it
She walks tall, and she walks with conviction
And she walks with me.
2) My beautiful warrior, my brilliant girl
I wish we'd met sooner
I wish I could've been there to let you know
How strong you are in your vulnerability
How beautiful you are in your rage
How absolutely justified you are when you crack
the False Idol of the perfection they always tried to impose
I wish I could've told you that they all wear masks
And you, being so you, so undeniably yourself,
Could never see the world through anything but your own eyes
Bare eyes, glistening at every single glimmer the world has to offer
Sister, I wish I could've held you
Before the surgery, during the storm, after the anestesia worn off
I wish I could've been there for every bithday and every funeral
For all the fireworks, graduations, bad news, and hospital visits
I wish I could've been there for every time they broke your heart
To show you that you will always fill its cracks with gold
You are a rare jewel, a delicate gladiator, a strong princess
I wish I had been your sister before
And I wish we never part ways again
3) My big sister is learning so many new things
Perhaps nearly as much as I've learned from her
And I watch her proudly everyday
She gets my good morning texts, even if it's after noon
And she calls me at night, even when we're both too beaten up by our day
or the weight of a lifetime
In our shared sense of solitude, we found sisterhood
I found my words reflected in her gaze as I tried to hide how I felt
And saw my heart in her irises, shining behind tears
I found a childhood friend in my sister, and a teenage bestie
I found a wise guide, I found a role model, I found a confidant and a hero
And in her love, I truly understood what acceptance means
Acceptance, as one of the highest forms of love, is seeing each other
Through a screen, like a movie
Miles and miles away
In my ugliest form
And still feel so much love
From her, for her, and for myself.
Everyday with my big sister is a blessing. Everyday I understand more and more that love truly is about tr(us)t.
For Laura, with the love of a lifetime
Thank you for seeing me and loving me because of and regardless of what I am.
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