The ocean fairy

When I first saw you, I thought of the waves
How they can calmly come and go
How they feel everything all of the sudden
You were the unknown ocean that I knew so well
Eyes searching in the crowd for that soul that would match yours
Hair and skin touched and blessed by the sun
Smile like a shy child who is willing to get into trouble
You were a walking poem of few words
You knew it was there
You knew deep in your heart you would find it
But just like the waves, your heart comes and goes
And I know you feel no one will ever stay.
I wanted to swim in the ocean of your eyes. I wanted to know the ocean fairy, and I wanted to be like you.
We walked past each other in the hallway and I know the darkness in me spoke to yours
Just like the ocean rebels and fights, but also embraces and washes away the pain
You were there and now you are here
So I will show you the world through my eyes whenever yours are welled up with tears.
I will answer to your calls and your messages and remind you that life is hard, but you have made this far, and you've touched people's hearts with light, fire and love coexisting with the depths of blue water and melancholy.
I will tuck sunshine in my pockets for the rainy days and shine the light upon you so you can see that the tide will change,
it always does.
I will stand on the storm and remind you that thunder may be scary, but the rain washes away every fingerprint that should never have had the privilege of touching your body of water
I will hold your hand when you feel insecure
I will keep telling you that you are not flawed,
I will urge you to be kind to yourself
I will be your safe harbor, and wait for you as you come and go in your spirals
I will bring you flowers and stroke your wavy hair
I will be your person and take care of you
And I will always remind you that you are not alone - I'm here.
So when the storm comes and bed feels like home, I will bring you wine
You are just like the weather and you will shine again
Your waves will grow, and they will break
But I can tell you, Ocean Fairy, that there's nothing more beautiful than the way you insist on kissing the shore, even when your waves are breaking too hard.
Stand tall. Walk over the water. See your reflection. Know who you are.
Let them go if they want to go. You are a goddess of the sea and your eyes will keep searching - make sure that they find something as special and magnificent as you are.

To Tara, with love


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