I always recall this saying from this amazing amazing Brazilian author
This woman saying "touch me, I turn to water"
And today, amidst all the rivers and oceans and lagoons and simple puddles
That live in me making me who I am
I realized that my years are a storm
When my heart breaks, I am rain
When my anger bursts, I am a rebellious ocean, inevitable tsunami
When I love, I'm an ever flowing river, giving back as much as I get
I turn to water so easily
In my tears, in my sweat, in my love
I just pour all of me
Pouring and doing so gladly
Being water, then, I pray to Oxum and Yemanjá
I pray to the mothers of water
That someday I'll become a peaceful body of water
Not as deep and narrow as a well build by loneliness
Not as shallow and fleeting as a puddle
I pray I'll be a wide and peaceful lake
With clear water and everlastingly under sunshine or the moonlight
And I'll gaze into that lake that is me
And finally I'd see my own reflection
And I'd love myself in absolute and unbreakable peace
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