The predator

The predator in me has broken free
After an avid fight against the sweet girl who also inhabits whatever I am
The predator is out. Hungry. Lusting. Hunting.
It put the little girl's heart in a box of glass and shipped it to another continent
Alongside a hammer and a note that said "build it or break it"
Whatever happens she can now blame on fate
Eyes painted black, eyelashes batting at the ones lured by her chance of misbehavior
Lips curled in a smirk, teeth gritted, body warm
Are they really prey if they show up at her door, sacrificial knife to their necks, begging for a taste?
Little sweet girl watches as the predator makes us slide back into old habits
The predator whips her hair back, and in her only moment of sobriety, she lets out the smoke of her cigar and softly says
"Even sharks need to swim backwards sometimes to survive."


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